Hackathonarama 2: The spirit of the hack

This past weekend I have attended Hackference for the second year running. Just like last year it was a 1 day conference followed by a 24 hour hackathon, and just like last year I've learnt a lot I'd like to share.

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Building a Pokemon Go clone

Last Saturday was @JSOxford's second Summer of Hacks 2016 event - Game Dev Day. The whole day was amazing. There was a great turnout and everyone seemed to really enjoy it. Many great things were built! My plan for the day? To make a Pokémon Go clone using web technologies!

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My Adventures in SVG-land

A few months back a little GitHub repo by @benfoxall caught my eye. Little did I know it'd lead me through a rabbit hole of fascination in SVG animation.

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Looking after your butler

In my team we have a handy-helpful butler that handles all our builds and deploys. I spent all last week getting to know him. Here is what I found out.

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This past weekend I attended my first proper 2-day hackathon. While I didn't manage to build anything awesome I did learn a lot about some new technologies and how to approach hackathons, especially when it's your first time.

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